Retrieve Health │ Rejuvenate Vitality
The human body is a complex biological machine made up of nerve, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, endocrine, and immune systems. Each system interacts and associates closely with each other, working in harmony to maintain body health. If out of balanced, the outcomes range from an imbalance of body functions to disease or cancer development. Given this, a comprehensive regulation of body systems, alleviation of physical and mental declines and improvement of the functional reserves are necessary for a dignified, long, healthy, and energetic life!
Eonway Health Rejuvenation Center provides outpatient of health rejuvenation, functional medicine testing and treatment services. We sought after potential causes of symptoms through tests and evaluations based on science, and offer customized treatment services, including IV drip infusion therapy, hormone therapy, and a comprehensive treatment proposals regarding integrative health care, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustment for guests.
Outpatient Consultation → Precision Testing → Customized Therapies → Purification & Rejuvenation.
Our rejuvenation treatment packages help clients to correct imbalances, improve symptoms and restore balance of body functions; with the ultimate aim of mind purification, health retrieval, and prolonged vitality!
Anti-Aging Strategies │ Outpatient of Health Rejuvenation + Treatment Services
The following are the outpatient and treatment package services. We can also customize therapies base on personal demands and our professional advice. Clients are welcome to make an appointment for outpatient consultation, we will provide the most professional advice and services. Service line: (02)2332-9888.
● Self-pay outpatient services: Registration fee (including diagnostic fee) $1300. Free parking is offered.
● Please refer to the on-site health rejuvenation therapies for the latest changes to the outpatient time and fees for the following treatments.
1. Immune System》Immune Activation Therapy Package
The immune system, the human body’s first line of defense, is responsible for pathogen resistance and regulation of cell growth. In light of this, as mild as colds, allergies to as severe as cancers are closely related to the immune system. There is an increasing number of people having trouble with a dysregulated immune system, mainly caused by excessive contact with artificial or processed molecules, intestinal flora imbalances, and overworked livers. Only appropriate regulation of immune functions and enhancement in immune resistance can assure us of good health and disease-free.
Effects of Therapy
Regulates immune functions, enhance antioxidant capacities, delay cellular aging, and improve the condition of allergies.
Often to have colds, herpes, allergies, eyestrain, limp and dull skin all the time.
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
A 90-minute infusion therapy; once a week; for 1 month.
2. Nervous System》Nervous Revival Therapy Package
The nervous system, just like the electrical circuitry of a house, is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Body functions will be uncoordinated once a short circuit occurs or circuit breaker trips, leading to symptoms such as headaches, memory decline, nerve palsy and stiffness, uncontrolled hands and feet, and spasm and cramps. The Revival Therapy helps to eliminate free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, enhance the mucosal immune system, and improve neurodegeneration; you will feel radiant and refreshed afterward.
Effects of Therapy
Repairs the nervous system and replenishes trace elements to make you feel radiant again.
People with migraine, pain in the extremities, and neurodegeneration; frail older adults; and people who need replenishment of nutrients after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Expectant and lactating mothers, and people with severe coagulation abnormalities.
A 90-minute infusion therapy; once a week; for 1 month.
3. Gastrointestinal System》Gut-Brain Booster Therapy Package
Healthy gastrointestinal system strengthens the body and brain. The gastrointestinal system, alternatively called the second brain, is responsible for the four primary functions of the human body, including digestion, absorption, immunity, and excretion; Gastrointestinal system is also the major secretion site for most endorphins (such as dopamine and serotonin). Stress at work and fast foodization easily result in damage to the gastrointestinal system, leading to ingestion, difficulty passing stools, allergies, weakened immune system, and dysautonomia.
Effects of Therapy
Repairs intestinal mucosa, regulates gastrointestinal functions, and replenish brain function.
People who have gastrointestinal disorders, burp frequently, bloat, or have a leaky gut syndrome.
A 90-minute infusion therapy; once a week; for 1 month.
4. Liver System》Liver Detoxifier Therapy Package
Purifying and detoxing your liver, removing toxins from your body and mind. The liver is the largest detoxification organ in the human body. All the toxins, regardless of exogenous or endogenous, are detoxified by the liver, followed by metabolism by the kidney or the gut. Large amounts of enzymes and nutrients and adequate sleep are necessary for detoxification. Staying up late, drinking, or taking medicines will decrease the liver’s effectiveness in detoxification. As a result, toxins accumulate over time, with the mildest consequence being accelerated aging process and the most severe consequence being contraction of diseases and cancers.
Effects of Therapy
Boosts the liver detoxification process, reduces inflammation in the body, and regulates liver functions.
People who smoke and drink regularly, stay up late and get tired quickly, and have hepatic insufficiency (patients with chronic hepatitis B or C, alcoholic liver disease, or cirrhosis).
Asthma or severe liver parenchymal injuries (GOT/GPT>600.)
A 90-minute infusion therapy; once a week; for 1 month.
5. Cardiovascular System》Chelation & Cardioprotection Therapy Package
The cardiovascular system, just like the body’s freeway, delivers oxygen and nutrients everywhere in the body, and bring metabolites and toxins back for processing. Improvement in circulation is an essential step in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Chelation& Cardioprotection Therapy not only eliminates harmful substances but also boosts circulation via effective delivery of nutrients, resulting in improved degenerative diseases and health rejuvenation.
Effects of Therapy
Improves cardiovascular functions and decreases atherosclerosis via heavy metal chelation.
People with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disorders, overexposed to heavy metals, or at a high risk of cancers.
Severe renal insufficiency (GFR<30)
A 120-minute infusion therapy + Oral administration of trace elements; once a week; 30 times.
6. Endocrine System》Adam & Eve BHRT Therapy Package
Hormones are chemical substances that transmit signals between organs to maintain normal cellular function. Yet their production decreases with ageing, followed by deteriorated physiological functions. Making good use of bioidentical hormones would be able to maintain or restore hormone levels in the body to pre-middle age level, eliminate symptoms, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of diseases. At the completing of the program, we hope that our patients will regain vitality with improved physiological, emotional, and sexual status.
Effects of Therapy
Regulates the overall functions of the endocrine system to reboot vitality (Note: apparent effects of the therapy will appear only after 3-6 months of session, during which each indicator will be monitored strictly.)
Bone loss, sleep disorder, metabolic disorder, dysautonomia, menopause/erectile dysfunction, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS.)
Prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, deep vein thrombosis, coagulopathy, and abnormal uterine bleeding.
Please enquire about your doctors for customized therapies.
7. Vitality Replenish Therapy Package
When people have an illness, the demand & loss for nutrients are beyond your imagination; patients need comprehensive nutrients to nourish body cells when they are ill or bedridden. IV Drip Infusion Therapy can quickly replenish lost nutrients, help to recuperate and restore vitality, and strengthen immune system. This non-drug therapy is highly safe and effectively at maintain patients’ health energy, and combating disease. This therapy package is a preferred choice for patients and to regain strength and vitality.
Effects of Therapy
Replenishes nutrients and vitality, strengthens immune system, and boosts metabolism to regain stamina.
People who are illed, bedridden and vigorless for a long time.
Expectant and lactating mothers, and people with severe coagulation abnormalities.
A 90-minute infusion therapy; daily; 4 times.
8. Wellness Recovery Therapy Package
Accumulation of free radicals and excessive oxidative stress hinder cellular repair; hence the removal of free radicals leading to tissue recovery is an essential requirement after surgery. This rejuvenation and body recovery therapy is specially designed for patients after surgery. It allows nutrients to pharmacological effects on every single cell through the blood, providing higher antioxidant capacity and tissue repair capacity, while reducing the risk of infections and painkillers dosage after surgery. This therapy package will be a great choice for patients who wish to recover quickly after surgery.
Effects of Therapy
Speeds up wound healing, removes free radicals in the body, and replenishes energy and vitality after surgery.
People who need to have tissues repaired or need to recuperate after surgery.
Expectant and lactating mothers, and people with severe coagulation abnormalities.
A 90-minute infusion therapy; daily; 2 days.