Health Rejuvenation Center

Retrieve Health │ Rejuvenate Vitality

The human body is a complex biological machine made up of nerve, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hepatic, endocrine, and immune systems. Each system interacts and associates closely with each other, working in harmony to maintain body health. If out of balanced, the outcomes range from an imbalance of body functions to disease or cancer development. Given this, a comprehensive regulation of body systems, alleviation of physical and mental declines and improvement of the functional reserves are necessary for a dignified, long, healthy, and energetic life!

Eonway Health Rejuvenation Center provides outpatient of health rejuvenation, functional medicine testing and treatment services. We sought after potential causes of symptoms through tests and evaluations based on science, and offer customized treatment services, including IV drip infusion therapy, hormone therapy, and a comprehensive treatment proposals regarding integrative health care, diet, nutrition, and lifestyle adjustment for guests.

Outpatient Consultation → Precision Testing → Customized Therapies → Purification & Rejuvenation.
Our rejuvenation treatment packages help clients to correct imbalances, improve symptoms and restore balance of body functions; with the ultimate aim of mind purification, health retrieval, and prolonged vitality!


Anti-Aging Strategies │ Outpatient of Health Rejuvenation + Treatment Services

The following are the outpatient and treatment package services. We can also customize therapies base on personal demands and our professional advice. Clients are welcome to make an appointment for outpatient consultation, we will provide the most professional advice and services. Service line: (02)2332-9888.

● Self-pay outpatient services: Registration fee (including diagnostic fee) $1300. Free parking is offered.
● Please refer to the on-site health rejuvenation therapies for the latest changes to the outpatient time and fees for the following treatments.


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